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  1. Táin Bó Cúailnge
    Táin Bó CúailngeEpic from Irish mythology
    OverviewSummaryAdaptationsRelated people
  2. Synopsis

    The Táin is preceded by a number of remscéla, or pre-tales, which provide background on the main characters and explain the presence of certain characters from Ulster in the Connacht camp, the curse that c… See more


    The Táin is believed to have its origin in oral storytelling and to have only been written down during the Middle Ages.
    Although Romanas Bulatovas believes that the Táin was originally composed at Bangor Abbey between … See more

    In translation and adaptation

    19th century translations of the work include Bryan O'Looney's translation made in the 1870s, as Tain Bo Cualnge, based on the Book of Leinster in Trinity College Library, Dublin. John O'Daly's also translated the work in 185… See more


    The story of the Táin relies on a range of independently transmitted back-stories, known as remscéla ('fore-tales'). Some may in fact have been composed independently of the Táin and subsequently linked with it later in thei… See more

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